A delegation headed by Mr. Elchin Ibrahimov, Vice President of "SMBDA" in Azerbaijan, has made a series of visits in Ankara including "SMEDO" and Enterprises.
In cooperation with KOSGEB-TIKA, SME Knowledge Sharing and visit programs were organized on 3-5 December 2018 for the Azerbaijan delegation.
Within the scope of the three days Knowledge Sharing Program conducted with Azerbaijan delegation consisting of representatives of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, under the coordination of KOSGEB-TIKA, the delegation was informed about KOSGEB Support Programs.
Vice President of KOSGEB - Mr. Salih Tuna Sahin, welcomed of the Azerbaijan delegation and stated Turkey's recent economic situation as made a keynote speech emphasizing the importance of KOSGEB in this development.
The fact that SMEs have a strategic importance in economic and social development with the ability to adapt rapidly to changing conditions, having flexible production structure, providing regional development and reducing regional differences, making significant contributions to employment by creating new job opportunities to develop national economies have been explained with the KOSGEB support models in detail at the presentations. Also were presented KOSGEB`s IT Infrastructure, Enterpreneurships Supports, Research and Development Programme, Financing Models such as Credit Interest Support Programme and Instruments for SME`s Access to Finance.
On the second and third days of the program, in order to understand the importance of the supports provided to SMEs by KOSGEB, besides 2 SME visits on different scales meetings were also held with the Ministry of Industry and Technology (STB), "Kredi Garanti Fonu (KGP)", Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), OSTIM Organized Industrial Region, TUBITAK and Limitor Electric Actuators.
Mr. Elchin Ibrahimov, Vice President of SMBDA, said that KOSGEB welcomed them very warmly and the program was very fruitful. Under the program, SMEs in the areas that they want to benefit from Turkey's experience, bringing together SMEs of the two countries within the scope of the negotiations.
As KOSGEB, it was stated that every effort will be made to meet these demands of the Azerbaijan side within the framework of the Action Plan to be signed under the perspective of Memorandum of Understanding.Azerbaijan Delegation consists of:
Mr. Elchin Ibrahimov, Vice President of KOBIA
Mr. Nadir Imanov, Deputy Director, SMB Interests Protection Department
Mr. Elshan Gurbanov, Friendly Office of SME
Mr. Nijat Alizada, Co-ordination & Supervisory Director of SMB Unit
Mrs. Aygun Hasanzade, Training and Consultanc Branch Expert
Mr. Ilqar Asgarov, Deputy Head of Department, Organization & Promotion of SME
Mr. Anar Ismayilov, Leading Specialist, SME Development Funds, Organization and Coordination Department